Dear amchigele baan.dhavaano,
Lot of developments have occurred in the project, over the last one week.
Hundreds of new word contributions have been added to the main dictionary.
Details can be found at:
The dictionary has been growing very fast over the last few weeks and now has around 1650 words in the main database.
Other updates include:
I. Based on the suggestion by the community, esp by Shri Udyavara Suresh Kamath, work has begun on the Konkani in Kannada script version of the Konkani - English Dictionary. Shri K Ramesh Pai is presently validating the corresponding Kannada words (for existing entries). This page should be up and running soon. This is being done, as a sizeable majority of the community is still not comfortable with the devanagri script. However it is important to note that this is for reference purposes only. Devanagri will remain the main script throughout the project.
II. (*New) Word lists in english are ready for volunteers to take up and translate to konkani. More details on the home page. Do feel free to volunteer for the lists.
Thanks again for being part of the project. Do keep your contributions and suggestions coming.
jai ko.nkaNi !!! jai samaaja !!!
devu bare.n koro !!!
Roshan Pai
GRAND TOTAL - 1650 word(s)Udyavara Suresh Kamath - 466 word(s)Nithyanand Rao - 340 word(s)K Ramesh Pai - 167 word(s)Roshan Pai - 114 word(s)Satyanath Bhat - 79 word(s)Prashanth G Kamath - 63 word(s) Rashmi G Bhat - 60 word(s)Vishwanath Kini - 51 word(s)Sumanth Kamath - 46 word(s)Ratna Bai - 44 word(s)Santosh Kamath - 43 word(s)Manu Pai - 41 word(s)Shyamala Pai - 31 word(s)Krishna Rao - 19 word(s)Sihi Kamath - 12 word(s)Gopinath Bhat - 12 word(s)Ramanath Pai - 10 word(s)Divya Ajit Pai - 6 word(s)TJ - 6 word(s)Namita Das - 5 word(s)Ganesh Shenoy - 4 word(s) Madhu Pai - 4 word(s)Shobha Shenoy - 3 word(s)Sudhir Kodkani - 3 word(s)Rahul Gelani - 3 word(s)Yugal Kumar - 3 word(s)B Sandeep Pai - 3 word(s)Arvind Hebbar - 3 word(s)Rohit Kumta - 2 word(s) Daya Shreehari - 2 word(s)Viral Prabhu - 1 word(s)Manoj Kini - 1 word(s)Umesh Pai - 1 word(s)Subhas Bhat - 1 word(s)Deepa Iyer - 1 word(s)
Thursday, 25 January 2007
SaveMyLanguage - GSB Konkani Dictionary (Amchigele) - Update (24th Jan 2007)
Monday, 22 January 2007
SAVE MY LANGUAGE - GSB Konkani (Amchigele) Dictionary Project - Details
Dear amchigele baa.ndhavaano,
As requested by the moderator of this group, here are a few details on the project:
"Save My Language" is a project that is documenting the GSB Konkani (amchigele) language, as spoken in the 21st century, by the amchigele community in and around Mangalore/Udipi Karnataka. The amchigele language has been changing and adapting over the years. Strong influences from Kannada/Marathi are definitely something that we have to acknowledge. (No the project does not intend to debate whether Marathi is the parent language or Konkani is. This is at best left to historians. Its aim is purely to document the amchigele language as it is today, and document it in devanagri). Every passing generation loses amchigele words, replacing them with corresponding equivalents derived from other languages/surroundings. The present generation tends to use the English language, and the cycle of losing words begins all over again.
The aim is to document the whole language, scientifically and semantically.
To start off, an online Konkani Dictionary has been started, that will be a database of all the amchigele words spoken by the community. This Word List is built up by contributors, who are normal community members (like you and me). Once the words are entered, they are then judiciously validated, ITRANS validated, semantically placed and then added to the main dictionary. The word list is growing rapidly and now has over 1500 amchigele words (and growing). Contributions can be made via the web site.
The project is based on sound linguistics principles. The script used is Devanagari. ITRANS which is an excellent Devanagari tranliteration format is used.
Additional projects running:Due to suggestions from the community (especially from Udyavar Suresh Kamath, a key community contributor) a Kannada script word list is also being created. (Considering that a vast majority are still not very comfortable with Devanagri script). However this is purely for reference only. Devanagri will stay as the main script, throughout the project.
Once the word list is huge enough (circa 10,000), the next step would be to move into semantics and grammar. This would then finally pave the way for organised/standardised amchigele literature.
Ofcourse it is a community project and depends totally on the community word contributions.
Comments/Suggestions are always welcome.
Do feel free to contact us if you need more details or want to contribute to the project. Especially so if your amchigele is above average !!!
jai ko.nkaNi !!! jai samaaja !!!
Roshan PaiEditor:
PS: It is rather unfortunate that the message in this email could not be conveyed in pure amchigele, and we had to rely on a foreign language. Hence the title 'Save My Language'. !!!
Thursday, 11 January 2007
Get GSB Konkani WORD OF THE DAY (On your Google Home Page)
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
Join the GSB Konkani Dictionary Project
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Join the group to get upto date information on the GSB Konkani Dictionary. Makes its easy to contribute too. Remember our strength resides in the GSB Community !!!
Tuesday, 9 January 2007
GSB Konkani Dictionary - Crosses 1000 words milestone
Dear amchigele ba.ndhavaas,
The online GSB Konkani dictionary now has over 1000 words due to the blessings of the community. This significant milestone was achieved today.
More details (including the words) can be found at:
Do continue contributing.
jai ko.nkaNi, jai samaja
devu bare koro
Roshan Pai Ramesh
Orkut Community: Amchigele - Language Research
The contributors list as of today is as follows:
GRAND TOTAL 1011 word(s)
Nithyanand Rao 340 word(s)
Roshan Pai 114 word(s)
K Ramesh Pai 98 word(s)
Satyanath Bhat 83 word(s)
Prashanth G Kamath 63 word(s)
Rashmi G Bhat 60 word(s)
Sumanth Kamath 46 word(s)
Ratna Bai 44 word(s)
Manu Pai 41 word(s)
Shyamala Pai 31 word(s)
Krishna Rao 19 word(s)
Vishwanath Kini 13 word(s)
Sihi Kamath 12 word(s)
Gopinath Bhat 12 word(s)
Namita Das 5 word(s)
Madhu Pai 4 word(s)
Ramanath Pai 4 word(s)
Sudhir Kodkani 3 word(s)
Rahul Gelani 3 word(s)
Yugal Kumar 3 word(s)
Arvind Hebbar 3 word(s)
Rohit Kumta 2 word(s)
Daya Shreehari 2 word(s)
Sandeep Pai 2 word(s)
Viral Prabhu 1 word(s)
Manoj Kini 1 word(s)
Subhas Bhat 1 word(s)
Deepa Iyer 1 word(s)
Monday, 8 January 2007
GSB Konkani Dictionary
Amchigele language documentation and research group.
This group is aimed at people interested in furthering the cause of the 'GSB Amchigele Konkani' language. The group mainly aims to get together the Amchigele community interested in documenting the Konkani language, as spoken by the Amchiegle.
Project currently running and included in the group:
GSB Amchigele Dictionary Project:
[Aims to document the language spoken by the Amchigele GSB Community]
Other projects will be added to the group if they serve similar purposes.
- Dr S M Tadkodkar (5)
- Su Ma Tadkod (5)
- Eskay (3)
- Konkani Cuisine (3)
- Konkani Recipes (3)
- (3)
- GSB Konkani Dictionary (2)
- Konkani History (2)
- Amchigele (1)
- Dr V P Chavan (1)
- GSB (1)
- Gaud Saraswat Brahmins (1)
- Google Group - GSB Konkani Dictionary (1)
- Konkani (1)
- Konkani Dictionary (1)
- Konkani Grammar (1)
- Konkani Language (1)
- Konkani Literature (1)
- Konkani Orthography (1)
- Konkani People (1)