GSB Konkani Dictionary

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GSB Konkani Dictionary

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Konkani Dictionary - Timeplan

Here we have the time plan for the Konkani Dictionary Project being run at

Details the various phases of the project and where we are at presently.

1 comment:

प्रोफेसर (डॉ०) सु० म० तडकोडकर said...

Construction of a compilation of words with their own conventions (narrow transcription and broad transcription), Glossary or Vocabulary could be instantly executed. But preparing an Encyclopaedia or a Dictionary (in case a Concise or Shorter Dictionary or the Phonetic Alphabet, Advanced Learner's Dictionary with phonetic transcription viz. Merriam-Webster or Oxford Shorter Dictionary or Heritage Dictionary even a Pocket Dictionary) needs a Programme i. e. a confirmed time bound Project.

To execute such Project, a small committee (say Advisory Council or 'Paramarsha Manddal 'परामर्ष मण्डळ') has to be constituted. This Committee has to look into and distribute various areas and identify experts to shoulder such Project.

Such Committee need not meet across a table every time! Corporate Houses arrange some hill stations for refreshing their executive under pretext of a seminar/workshop etc. (Now a days a handful writers residing across the continents write a novel jointly!) Even e-mail helps to arrive at certain parameters as how to compile words, terms, definitions in view of the grammar, historicity etc.

Now, instantly, it is to be decided, whether the nomenclature for the suitable title should be "Gaudd Sàraswat Brahmin's Konkani Dictionary"(Amchigele)!

There are instances of books like 'Chitpàvani Bhàsha. So it is not that unplaced. But,the title "Konkani Dictionary" has to be reviewed. Both the titles go parallel to each other.

The Central Committee has to form a small subject-committee (सम्पादक मण्डळ). This SC will have to acquire various dictionaries of Konkani (prepared by each and every interested/committed editors, down the ages!)These dictionaries (terminologies, etymologies, glossaries and vocabularies of terms, phrases, proverbs etc. as well!)will help to compile words initially. Plus, "GSB Konkani Dictionary (Amchigele)" has done a commendable work of compilation.

Selected some persons from the contributors can be included in the subject committee (i. e. विषय समिती) Some among them could be assigned only one responsibility by telling them:
"Find out that when was for the first time a particular word, phrase, newly coined word brought into usage in a particular genre of writing."

Now, time has come to conceive about the respectable shape and decide about size of proposed Dictionary.

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